Divorce Articles - Florida Law

Reentering the Workforce After Divorce
Posted on July 15, 2018
When a couple makes the decision to get divorced, one spouse often must consider how to reenter the workforce after being at home. Whether you left the job market, never entered it, or have only done part-time or volunteer work during the marriage, your partner has had the ability to strengthen their job or career path while you were the primary caretaker at home.
With the job market being so competitive, it’s understandable that you may fear what will happen without a steady stream of income. You will be competing with people who have established careers, college degrees, zero gaps in work history, and who do not have the responsibility of taking care of children.
You’re already trying to get adjusted to the changes in your personal life, and now you also have to figure out your work life on top of it. So, how do you start searching for a job when you’re not even sure what you want to do? How can you begin making up for all the years you weren’t earning an income?
If you’ve been wondering how you will reenter the workforce, read the following to discover what you can do to ensure your success in the job market.
- Boost your confidence – Just because you’ve been out of work, doesn’t mean you can’t land a great job. Never feel like you can’t get the career you want and that you’ll only have sub-par job offers to choose from. Remember that you have a lot to offer, and begin looking for work where you can let your talents and strengths shine most.
- Think of what you want to do for work – You’re reinventing yourself, so why not do the same with your career? Just because you were an administrative assistant before marriage and kids, doesn’t mean you need to do the same thing again. Have you developed new passions over the years that you’ve thought about incorporating into the professional world? If your answer is yes, then don’t be afraid to expand your horizons and start applying for new opportunities.
- Build a strong résumé and cover letter – While your résumé may not be the thing that gets you the job, you still need one, and it should show you put some effort into it. If needed, reach out to someone who can help you update your résumé and create an attention-grabbing cover letter. You may also want to set up a LinkedIn account to begin building your contact base.
- Set up reliable child care – The responsibilities of being a parent never stop, even if you have to be at work. To avoid having to worry about how you will fulfill your work requirements should an emergency arise, make sure to have reliable child care in place, including several backups.
- Have patience, but be persistent – Entering into the job market will be challenging as you will be competing with all kinds of different people for the same position. While it may take longer than you prefer to get your foot in the door, it’s important to remain persistent and understand that some things take more time than others.
- Consider short-term training – There are many different programs and resources available, many of which are available online, which can help you prepare for various careers.
- Network, network, network – More often than not, this is how someone gets employed. Spread the word to everyone you know that you’re looking for a job. Use your friends, family, professional contacts, and LinkedIn account to build connections.
Use these tips to help you get started with your search and remember that finding a job or choosing a career path may not be easy, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. In the times when you feel frustrated, it’s important to remember that your current situation is only temporary and you will get where you need to be for both yourself and your children.
It’s understandable that you may have many questions concerning divorce. Although each situation is different, the experienced Orlando divorce attorneys at The Roberts Family Law Firm, P.A., are here to assist you and can answer all of your questions concerning divorce or other family law issues that you may be facing. Contact us today by calling 407-426-6999 or by filling out the contact form located on this page.
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